Редактирование: Holy Biboran

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And so was it! A few days later, an unclean and devilish ghost has appeared on Abdulov’s grave, and someone was able to take a picture of that very ghost!
And so was it! A few days later, an unclean and devilish ghost has appeared on Abdulov’s grave, and someone was able to take a picture of that very ghost!

Almost all the newspapers have started to spread the word about the ghost, and the global state of emergency was declared in response to that Abdulov hazard, signaling a code red alert on the entire planet. But that was late. Overnight, Abdulov dug through the 2 meters of dirt, and the decaying body emerged from under the ground and went on to keep continuing spreading evil. This was reported in all the newspapers. The excavated cesspit of Abdulov was even shown on TV. But Abdulov’s wife was the only one who knew the truth, so right after this uprising of the dead, she transported an armored 40-ton concrete slab using BelAZ truck, and crushed the wretched hellspawn down, so he won’t crawl out of hell again. And then she calmly proceeded to further plunder Abdulov's inheritance, she kicked Abdulov’s devilish mother out of the house, along with his alcoholic stepbrother!
Almost all the newspapers have started to spread the word about the ghost, and the entire planet was put on a state of Abdulov’s Red Danger. But that was late. Through the night, Abdulov has dug through the 2 meters of dirt, crawling his rotting body out of the dirt and went on to keep doing everything evil. Everything about that was written in all the newspapers. Abdulov’s dug open grave was even shown on TV. But Abdulov’s wife was the only one who knew the truth, so right after Abdulov’s resurrection, she transported an armored 40-ton block using BelAZ truck, and crushed the Undead Abdulov down, so he won’t crawl out of hell. Then, Abdulov’s wife has went on stealing the inheritance without any worries, kicking Abdulov’s hellish mother and his alcoholic stepbrother out of the house!

And no one but Abdulov knew the horrifying terror! The game had only just begun, and Abdulov’s last sneaky undead escape from the grave was a success — he had collected the last drop of the tortured souls in order to bribe himself a ticket to heaven. For vices like corruption, filth, and depravity had spread to the extent that they partially infiltrated Heaven, thanks to Abdulov.
And no one but Abdulov knew the horrifying terror! The game had only just begun, and Abdulov’s last sneaky undead escape from the grave was a success — he had collected the last drop of the tortured souls in order to bribe himself a ticket to heaven. For vices like corruption, filth, and depravity had spread to the extent that they partially infiltrated Heaven, thanks to Abdulov.

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