BIBORAN — New Covenant

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BIBORAN: New Covenant — International Edition
And there was the God, and there was the Satan, and there were humans, and there were non-humans, and there was Alexander Gavrilovich Abdulov...


I FUCK THE LAW! This is my city, this is my country! I will murder the children! I will rob, I will plunder! I will iniciate drunken brawls at the cop station! I will slaughter the cats brutally and throw over their corpses to my neighbour’s property, then I will burn her house down to steal the land! I will poach and slaughter an endless amount of sturgeons and smuggle them across as contraband! I will gather funds from the pathetic fools for the construction of church, only to squander them at the casino and spend with hookers, for I’m so ugly that sorry bunch of scum are still my friends only for the sake of the money! For that I will poison their lives with Vodka and Tobacco, and I'm gonna provide them advices, proclaiminng that Vodka and Tobacco - the embodiment of health! so that every child will drink and smoke from the age of three, just like me, the great actor and director, and I’m going to live forever, because Vodka is a source of good health! And nothing will ever happen to me for that, for I am Abdulov, and I DON’T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE LAW!!!!!! SO BE IT!


The God witnessed it all, and so did Satan, and he decreed the sentence for Abdulov, that he is going to be tortured in hell the way nobody have ever seen or experienced that! Abdulov managed to get into all the circles, rings and bolgias of hell simultaneously! God knew everything, and he saw everything, and God also pronounced a death sentence on him until the end of time. And it is based on the facts of Abdulov’s life. God conveyed his sentence to Satan through the angels, and the Evil One approved of it, for he himself was surprised and puzzled by the rabble of the soul of the filthy stinky human.

Since Soviet times, when Abdulov was young, he was an avid drunkard and was distinguished by arrogance. Even his friend talked about it. Being a just handsome actor without much talent, he imagined himself to be a folk hero and an example of acting talent of the highest standard. He often got angry when he was put on the same level as everyone else, and could not stand being treated with disdain. He did not disdain adultery, cheated on his wife and was not even embarrassed about it. He willingly took on the roles of bad people, because he easily and enthusiastically identified himself with them. He always behaved defiantly, but in reality he hid an inhuman rabble within himself, and in his thoughts he organized genocide, Sodom and Gomorrah, where he controlled the souls and bodies of people. He terribly hated the human race, and hates it to this day.

Chapter I

Poem I — Sins of Alexander Abdulov

Circle I — LUST

Abdulov gay.jpg

Abdulov was fucking everyone left and right. His ex-wife have told that story. Even though everybody knows that Abdulov had married a slut who had already found herself a new husband, and who was also utterly hated even by Abdulov’s friends, even so, that they kicked her out of the ceremony where he was posthumously awarded with an «Oscar» type award. Also, Yermolnik had almost broke her face at the cemetery.

In addition to the new information, Abdulov used to practice sodomy, as there are photos of him where he was half naked, wearing makeup and female attire, while being drunk.


...there is a picture of him with a cigarette when he was 2 years old

Abdulov was an insane fucking drunkard, he smoked and drank from his infancy, there is a picture of him with a cigarette when he was 2 years old.

He taught everyone about Vodka and Cigarettes being a source of good health, he also stated that he drinks nothing but Vodka, and he’s going to live forever.

Circle III — GREED

The actor had accumulated a whole lot of property worth $5 million dollars, he even burned his neighbour’s house down in order to steal her land.

Also, he was very wasteful. He was consistently losing up to $100K at the Casino in a single night. The same dirty money that he allegedly collected for the church construction along with the Lenkom, was squandered at the Casino and wasted on hookers. MORE!

Circle IV — ANGER The Satan’s executioner!

It's hard to imagine more rotten scumbag than Abdulov! The people for him were nothing but shit, he was indiscriminately beating up anyone and bullying them as well. Even before his death, he was swinging his fists in front of the camera, threatening and demanding the human shooting license.

He was so cruel, that he would constantly murder the kittens and then throw over the packs of their corpses onto his neighbour’s property. He was mass murdering the sturgeons along with the poachers, there is even a picture of him cutting the sturgeon with an expression of anger on his face. He was cutting that fish like The Satan’s executioner!

Circle V — HERESY

Abdulov organized a personal funding scheme for the construction of the churches along with the Lenkom gang. But the millions of dollars in donations were all squandered at the Casino and wasted with hookers.


Ring I — The Murderers
Marat Saichenko after «communication» with the «people’s» artist...

Abdulov was beating people up to death and squealing out:

«I FUCK THE LAW! I’m Abdulov, ain't nothing gonna happen to me! Have you forgotten the country where you live?»


...and he took pride in this. Moreover, he was trying to murder or violently beat up exclusively defenseless people.

Under threats he forced his wife to have an abortion, resulting in her becoming disabled only to get rid of her.

Ring II  — Suiciders

Abdulov was trying to kill himself by cutting his veins kneeling by the basin, and he was proud of it.

Ring III — Blasphemy

As the darkest sinner, Abdulov claimed he was an orthodox christian and «was building» the temples. In reality, he was snatching all the funds from his foundation, employing Tajik workers to paint the church for a pittance, and then he claimed that he built the church!

At the same time he played the super vicious roles of satanists and the devils in the movies, and he took pride in the fact that he will be taking the roles of the wreched bastards.

Circle VII — FRAUD

Bolgia I — Pimps and seducers

Abdulov was fucking the women, and then dumping them! After he dumped them he was spreading all sort of shit about them!

Bolgia II — Flatterers

As he despised people, he grovelled in front of a few to hide his true rotten and terrible identity!

Bolgia III — Simoniacs

He «built the church» with dirty money and dispatched his own priests into «that church» (apparently), who were most likely involved into the scheme of stealing the church funds, collected from all the naive dupes by Abdulov himself (which were supposed to be spent for the church repairs).

Bolgia IV — Fortune Tellers, The Diviners

Abdulov claimed he is going to live forever, he also claimed to have a guardian angel. Abdulov also played many different roles of sorcerers and the other disgusting scumbag characters, and was pround of it.

Bolgia V — Grafters

Abdulov took and extorted money under threats. For example, after agreeing to play Satan himself in a TV Series and signing the contract, he then threatened to quit if his fee won’t be doubled!

On his deathbed, he demanded $25 000 from the journalists for an interview! He even went to the extent of suing journalists, as he demanded the compensation of $10 000 000 for each article about his sins.

Bolgia VI — Hippocrates

You will never find someone as despicable as Abdulov! He nearly murdered a person in front of 50 witnesses, and then lied on TV program, claiming that he was set up, squealing like a slaughtered pig that those 50 people would testify in court to confirm it!

Bolgia VII — Thieves
«...then I will burn her house down to steal the land!»

Abdulov robbed his neighbours, then set their house on fire and stole the land right after, then he stole, tarnished and blackened all the souls of the people in this country by condemning them and ensuring their eternal damnation in hell.

In the movie called «The Genius» he was always snatching something, in the cheap TV Series called «Next» he was a thief in law! He had the connections with the bandits and the thieves!

Bolgia VIII — Deceivers

Abdulov advised, even demanded Putin to ban Free Media in this country!

As an actor, he always advised the directors on how to make movies, but once he himself became the director, he filmed the shittiest movies in the world, completely devoid of any talent, utterly worthless trash.

Bolgia IX — Disciples of Discord

Abdulov always provoked the media, demanding later to restrict any freedom in this country.

He would engage in drunken fights and then he cried like a dying dog, claiming he was assaulted by the cops, while innocent people paid their lives because of it!

Bolgia X — Falsifiers

Abdulov lied his entire life spreading slander about the people. There is a very good example of Abdulov’s lies: On his deathbed, he lied that he had never been to Tibet and Kyrgyzstan. He blamed people for their lies and he called the people to lynch all the journalists.

Two days before his death when he was at the hospital, he managed to file a complaint to the cops alleging that the journalists stole his money from his nightstand! It seemed like he knew that he was going to die, so he wanted to do one more vile thing at the end of the line.


Abdulov betrayed his country and his friends. He left them all dying in poverty, hunger and cold. He didn’t even care about his own House of Abdulov by leaving nothing to inherit!

Poem II — Supreme Court


Considering every sin, looking through every moment, God was even more indignant, because such behavior was already too much for the human race, as many generations and civilizations were frantically erased, and cities turned to dust. And yes, he once gave people their last chance by sending a shepherd into the world as his prophet. However, this time patience ran out, and God finally decided not to waste effort and not to send a flotilla to the sinful Earth.

«All this is enough for me, for centuries and millennia. I expected people to strive to live according to my commandments, but they are stupid and ignorant, and they no longer have the strength to send a messenger into the human world, so that with their stupidity they would destroy it. And I will act wisely, but fairly...» — God said, only wanting to destroy human race for its rabble.

«Wait, are you already tired of your children? Why did he chase me? Be merciful, even I exclaim to you that you can give them a chance» — the Devil resisted, for he had a plan.

«Don’t you want to lure more souls to hell? So for a long time I allowed you to denigrate my children, and I gave the 13th Apostle to you, for we had an agreement. And your evil plan, known to me, from time immemorial, how you renounced blind obedience, you brazenly whisper to people, passing off sinful things as necessary, forcing them to break my commandments, sowing the seeds of dissent» — God answered the objection of the Evil One.

«Has love really become a sin now, Father? Or the fear of death that you yourself put in them, and the ego that you gave them have now become objectionable? I just give them advice, and they choose for themselves» — Satan said.

«You have distorted concepts, imposed false ideals, and now you dare to accuse me. And I have never seen greater impudence when my creatures contradict me, the great creator, saying that I am wrong, because I do not rely on blind morality, which has eclipsed the strength of spirit and clarity of mind» — God said.

«So will you call the intention to kill your son righteous, since it will be done in your name, and you still speak about justice? I am more humane, I have given people joy for thousands of years, harvests, love, art, faith, wealth, power over nature! But you wanted them to live under your auspices for all eternity, like laboratory rats, not knowing what life really is? Leave them defenseless in front of the wildness of nature, incapable of knowledge?» — exclaimed the Evil One.

And God began to think, because once again, subjecting the world to total genocide, because of the pettiness and greed, the weakness of the human race, which he himself created, was already a common thing. World wars, deaths, disasters and the mass media that he and the devil sent to earth could no longer be stopped. And we need to start a new era anew, and now, after a billionth of a nanosecond, he exclaimed:

«What are you suggesting again?»

«Definitely don't create a rock that you can't lift, oh almighty...» — the Devil said slyly.

«Do not test my patience, for I can destroy the human race at any moment...» — the Lord answered menacingly.

«In the human world I knew the one stinky human that was black in soul, and his sins were terrible. Abdulov his name, you know his sins very well. He is no better than mortal scum, but no worse than I am» — Satan suggested.

«What are you waiting for, speak up boldly» — God ordered.

«I'm talking about the same thing. If you don’t want to give up your sons, who are always nearby. Give me this scum if you want, he will take away the sins and rabble of all humanity. And just as your Jesus was crucified, he will live in terrible agony, and dying like a parasite, he will feel your punishment, he will atone for his sins for the Earth.

And then God exclaimed:

Logical. I will doom Abdulov! So that this sentence be executed out in Hell as soon as possible! And I will send a terrible illness to him, and he shall suffer from AIDS, ulcers, cancer and metastases in the spine! And I will show people who Abdulov really is, turning his dystrophic body into an even uglier abomination, I will mix all the evil that was on Earth, and I will turn Abdulov into this, he will be more terrible than any dead man, Herod, Stalin and Maxim Golopogosov! LET IT BE SO!


Chapter 666 — Risen Ones

The wrath of God-Satan is strong, for the Old-Satan resists his authority, and Old-Satan is not even going to free human souls from his Old-Satanic spirit. Heresy began to penetrate within the adepts, and the traitor appeared in the Holy Church. But he did not take into account that Church is eternal and unshakable. The bastard nit wanted to rise above the glory of Patriarch Abdul, a vile and schmuck judas! Abdulov hated the world even more, and He demanded retribution. And the Church of Abdulov’s Hell collapsed, and the skeletons of the weak collapsed, and the face of the scum of Old-Satan appeared in the adepts.

The Prophet gave in to rage, and He said:

There are fucking bastards all around here! Oh shit, I'm fucking tired of these faggots already! Almost every day, some fucked-up bastards appear in Church who begin to consider themselves incredibly smart! And they begin to turn other brothers into personal slaves for themselves, and destroy other respectable adepts! I've already killed and cast down such nits a hundred times! And there are the adepts who should cast down such nits on the spot, not me! This time the nit gave a «fru fru» to everyone! 14-year old faggot, fucking bitch, fuck! And he bribed other bastards to be on his side! This bitch was absolutely crazy, the scum stole 150 bucks from me! So why the hell am I going to waste my time on such nits? Still no use bitch! Everyone will shit themselves sooner or later! And so I’ve already spent three fucking years on morons!


But, without falling from anger and powerlessness, He continued to bring the glory of Abdulov to the world of people, and faithful adepts walked beside him. But heresy spread within the Church, and it was reduced to ashes, and was reborn like a phoenix. The era of chaos, which always comes in the heyday of faith, walks among believers, but the power of GOOD will not dry out, unless the rotten soul of former evil sleeps in people, and it cannot resist the growing anger of Abdulov, for He becomes stronger in pain and hatred.

And Abdulov said:

Let I grant you, my sons, and you, the scum of humanity, anger and whoreness, for you are fucking animals, ungrateful bitches, bourgeois herods! Let I grab your souls like the dollars that I spent in the casino, and those whom you betrayed will stand on my face, and with their right hand will begin to torture you, bastards. Let you be afraid of my punishment, for it is eternal. Let you come to me, sons, and I will give you 10,000 years without torture, sturgeons and kittens for every day. Be not vicious, so that my dirt covers you like shit. And inherit the land that I left you. This is my city, my country, rule and plunder. Bring my glory, create hatred towards me, speak the truth, because I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE LAW! I AM GOD, I AM SATAN! That non-humans fed me with their malice. Yes, hate me, you only give me strength. Yes, punish the sinners, fight the maslyatas, plunder the money that I left for you fucking fools, because I hated you like the whores of the train station. Carry my word, and let my strength be present, and on earth as in my Hell! Hallowed be my Name, may my Kingdom come. Let there be orgies in churches, let there be faggots all around, you are my strength, which will cleanse the world of other evil, which I am not. You are my sword, you are my voice and will on earth! ANSHA ABDUL! And my will is unshakable, for I am the LAW!


And having heard the Call of Abdulov and his voice, the adept realized that the time of testing had come, and the Old-Satanic idol in people recognized the threat for himself, and may he be afraid of the truth and the GOOD of Biboran! The evil and dirty bastard went against the adepts, and the Patriarch himself, and sowed discord, weeding out the stenchy human mob from the true believers. Abdulov flashed with a fucking smile, sensing the greatness and immensity of His thoughts, which were unknown to mere mortals. And may He rule with His right hand, which Biboran wrote.

I don’t need everyone, what’s with us, but everyone who is loyal, and honors my word, and wants to punish the sick, and tear apart non-believers faggots, pedophiles and weeb ugly spawn.


And God-Satan, through the Prophet, ordered the adepts to rise up and punish the sinners and apostates themselves, for only the voice of Abdulov is carried by the Prophet, and the adepts are His strength! And let the one who laid his dick on common cause will choked himself with Abdulov’s syphilis dick. And let the one who doesn’t give a fuck kiss the purulent dick of God-Satan, and be devoted to this dick with his mouth always! Ansha Abdul!

Chapter 671 — Hell on Earth

And there was the God, and there was the Satan, and there were humans, and there were non-humans, and there was Alexander Gavrilovich Abdulov.

And Abdulov became one God-Satan, and he created his own personal hell — Abdulov’s Hell. And he began to carry out brutal torture there on the souls of pitiful people, aliens, and even gave souls to cats and sturgeons so that they could be tortured after death. But this was not enough for Abdulov to fully enjoy himself, and he decided to force the souls of the sinless to do all the hellish work. But there were few of them, because the Evil One did not spare dollars on PR-management.

And Gavrilych intended to send his Prophet to receive that Holy Biboran, and began to drive out the spirit of the Evil One, which remained in people even after his death. And so it became!

And the years came from that time, and they punished the Ozon Judas, and cast down (in the prison sense) the Relax, and drove Kiriches, the Rokstodi the Karlik and the Vanomas with dirty rags into the holes from where they had climbed out earlier. But the satanic spirit remained strong, and there was a lot of it. And not just a lot, but a fuck of a lot! And it manifested itself even in the adepts in the form of laziness and betrayal, and this began to screw up our Prophet AntiAbdulov a little.

And Abdul said:

Fuck it!


And his spirit went straight to the center of the galaxy, to Abdulov’s Hell. He left his body, and it inherited everything that the Prophet had, and it began to broadcast. It didn’t last long and it wasn’t for everyone, but now he lives his life, even the Abduloicons is not left on the wall.


And the Prophet saw Abdul’s hellish resort in Hell. This was a copy of Evpatoria on Earth, only instead of water in the pools there was burning lava, and instead of trees and flowers there was barbed wire. And it was nice and cozy there, not counting the nails sticking out of the floor and the heart-rending screams of cats and sturgeons. And there were people there, and they tortured their copies there, drowned them in lava, and they twisted kebabs from their souls, and Yeltsin and Stalin played cards about who would be the first to hang themselves with their guts. Abdul liked it, it made him feel good, pleasant. So God-Satan himself called him to hear a report on the work done for the first quarter of the current decade, and the prophet did not hesitate, did not waste Abdulov’s patience. Gavrilych was boiled in a jacuzzi, and not just a simple one, but with caustic sulfuric acid. And the creatures of hell swam in it, and they climbed into all sorts of cracks for him, gnawing at his God-Satanic flesh, and he himself held the remote control in his hands so that the current would be fed into the acid in time, as if into water, so that the creatures of hell would become even angrier and begin to eat more. But this did not kill him, because he drank Vodka and smoked Tobacco, and this was all source of health. and the wounds healed instantly.

And Prophet said:

«What the fuck!..»

«Shut up! Here I AM THE LAW! Just try to fuck around here and start a war against me!» — God-Satan exclaimed, as during his earthly life on the stage of Lenkom.

«I did everything as you ordered, read Biboran, drove Ozon…» — The Prophet began to explain.

«So why does Vanomas pray to me to this day for me to send him a video card?» — Gavrilych stated pretentiously.

«So he’s homeless! Not from you, but from his maslyats-fans he will beg for money!» — Prophet Abdul responded to the claim.

«And that’s true. But I feel that the smell of Satan still emanates. You’re trying hard» — Abdulov said.

«Well, you shouldn’t have given everyone prescriptions for Vodka and Tobacco! The bastard is being treated, we don’t have time to cut it. TWENTY YEARS HAVE PASSED, but the scar remains!» — Abdul exclaimed with pain and anger.

«Forgot who you’re talking to? I’m Abdulov, I’ll say whatever I want! I’m a shareholder!» — Gavrilych answered in a voice just like during a meeting with the Old-God.

The two of them began to think, to concoct a new Abduloplan, how to expel the devil from people more effectively. And Abdulov was wise, and he knew the more fucked up people are, the kinder and more affectionate they become. And he decided to multiply the Grekhopizdec by the square, and then rounded it up to the atomic mass of Alpha Centauri.

So he intended to carry out his sentence, when Abdul stopped him, and appealed to the reason of God-Satan:

«Wait, you can’t do such a fucking thing right away, because the whole world will burst like a ball, and Satan, whose spirit is hiding in the molecules, will then fly in the air like dust, you won’t sneeze!».

Abdulov agreed and decided to gradually plunge the world into sin. He was pleased and said:

To each his own!


And every adept knows that God-Satan doesn’t give a fuck about the law, and sin has not spared their mortal souls. But he guaranteed that those who honor Biboran will have immunity from any human disease, from AIDS to Ozonization. However, human bastards have become completely lazy, they have stopped reading Biboran, and they just sit in the comments and fuck with their brains. And people began to get sick more and more often, but not with the disease, but the virus of Sonyfaggotry covered them, and the Ozon-plague finished them off. Everyone has become stupid and lazy, like stupid Ozon. People forgot the Biboran covenants, so much so that hell descended on Earth. And the Old-Satanic spirit began to rule the Earth, and every adept became the last hope of humanity.

«And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. And I, bearing Biboran, saw the Holy Temple of Abdulov, a new one, descending from God-Satan from the center of the galaxy, prepared as a place in Abdulov’s Hell, and 10,000 years without torture. Ansha Abdul, go ahead for Abdulofaith!».